Arranging Local Tours, Accompaniment, and Interpretation

When conducting on-site market research, there are many preparations, including scheduling with partner companies and confirming transportation. We handle all these arrangements on your behalf. Upon request, our staff can accompany you on your site visit and provide interpretation services.

—- Examples of Past Achievements —-

January 24–26, 2024: City of Vancouver / City of Richmond 

Support for the Overseas Inspection by Matsuyama City Council in Ehime Prefecture


  1. The current state of public transportation in Vancouver and the spread of green initiatives.
  2. The current state and potential for exporting products from Ehime Prefecture to Canada.

For two days, we guided the council through the City of Vancouver and City of Richmond, focusing on these two themes. Vancouver, known for its environmentally conscious citizens, has implemented various global warming countermeasures, making car-sharing and bike-sharing common practices. The council observed car-sharing vehicles in action and toured bicycle-only lanes.

Additionally, to assess the distribution and market presence of Ehime Prefecture products in North America, we visited local supermarkets. The council inspected how Japanese agricultural products, including Ehime products, were being sold in the Vancouver market. The pictures below show Ehime mandarins and Chinese mandarins sold at a Richmond supermarket.


Arranging and Accompaniment for Iwate Prefectual Govenment

2021: Miku Restaurant

Support for Iwate Prefectual Government to have a reception party

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